The Client
Samiksha is powered by Universal Cancer Conquest and works for betterment of cancer patients in India. Samiksha provides a unique service of ONLINE SECOND OPINION to cancer patients on their Line of Treatment and provides detailed report in 48 Hours. Samiksha is connected with 40+ expert oncologists in India.

The Challenge
Samiksha was a new player in the market
The concept of Online Second Opinion on Cancer Patients Line of treatment was unique and new in the market.
Samiksha did not have its separate identity or any online presence.

The Approach
We decide to create Samiksha’s online presence and reach maximum number of prospects in India.

The Solution
We Designed & Developed a sales website which not only had a user friendly UI/UX but also showcased Samiksha’s Panel of Expert Oncologists, their Experiences, Sample Reports and Testimonials of happy patients. This brought trust in viewers mind and became a Lead Magnet tool for us.
SEO activity was started and we managed to bring the website on 1st position on the 1st page of Google Search Engine.
We started a paid campaign of Facebook & Google and managed to get all the traffic on the Website which had proper Call to Actions and created a sustainable lead generation funnel.
Our straight to the point and clear communication gave us convincing presence on Social Media Platforms which gave extra traffic on Samiksha website and resulted in giving more number of leads.

Online Activities
Design & Developed a Sales Website.
Ran Paid Campaigns on Facebook & Google.
Social Media Activations.
Designed & Developed Several Landing pages on the basis of Searches and users behaviour.

The Result
4624 Leads Generated
4332344 Total Reach
Total impressions 7316842